Sunday, December 6, 2009

survey 9

9) How would you describe the relationship between you and your siblings?

32% said they had a good or "AWESOME" relationship

other responsed included;
- we have a pretty good relationship.when we were younger we would argue alot. but not anymore
- No relationship w my brothers, they were older. Moderate with my sisters, i'm the youngest
- Horrible growing up, much better now that we are both adults. When we were little he always told on me and beat me up.
- Bad...I'm poor and they think they are rich. They belittle me.
- good, we get along, we go out together, we have good communication
- we are very competitive with eachother
- Distant
- Mutual, not close yet not distant
- Never met one and the other two and i get along ok
- We're pretty close
- spiffy. usual siblingsness, bickering occassionally but it's cool.
- We were raised to love each other. We have our arguments, but we have a very good relationship with each other
- sometimes fight but most of the time get along
- respectful, honest
- distant . not close.
- close
- I'm closer to my sister even though we are ten yard apart than with my bro and we are 6 years apart
- we get along and hang out sometimes but we all have our own things to do
- She's a biiaatcch.
- We had a good relationship, usual with siblings.
- we keep in touch, get get together once in a while.
- i would describe our relationship as close and very supportive of each other.
- distant but loved

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