Monday, December 7, 2009

Overview of Childrearing and How it Came About

Historical Overview

- Child rearing has been in context for as long as children have been born. Through out the centuries the act of child rearing has transformed. In many ways the alteration of child rearing has been viewed as a rehabilitation, but to some it has changed to a media driven society causing a socialization of parenting ruled by various institutions. Those institutions have come to include the family, schooling systems, and the media. These shifts in the socialization of parenting have been fused by different social, political, and economic shifts that have taken place. There is no exact date by which we can stand by and say where the history of child rearing begins, but trends and patters are perceptible.

A Brief History

Child rearing can date back to the 1400’s when the Europeans first colonized the America’s. Native American families seemed to be more close knit. Tribal parents showed more affection to their children and were more supportive than European families. Children would engage in tribal rituals, which would help them develop their future adult roles.

In the 16th century parents were unsympathetic when it came to the raising of their children. Paternal authority was a must, and disobedience was seen with much revulsion. Puritans, of New England, were strict with their offspring because they believed they were born of sin. In the South many children were orphaned, which caused a high death rate.

Prior to the onset of the 20th century, the health of children was a dominant issue. Medical care was lacking, causing a high infant and mortality rate. A big factor that contributed to death was that many children were working prior to the civil war. Child labor was common and poor families had children contributing to the economic unit of the household.

By the second half of the 19th century, child rearing greatly improved. Due to ideas of the Enlightenment, parents became more affectionate, and children were seen as innocent creatures that needed to be molded. The parent-child relationship grew to have stronger bonds and a more sincere relationship.

Now in the 21st century, child rearing has had a dramatic shift. Parenting is now overcome by outside sources other then the family. The socialization of child-rearing has become uncontrollable, as outside sources begin to play a factor on the bringing up of a child. Now children are being taught by schools, friends and more importantly, the media.

* Below are a few models that sparked the commencement of different modes to the raising of children.

Modes of child rearing
- Infanticidal Mode : children were a representation of evil therefore had to be controlled and even killed. This was seen back in the 4th century and continued into the late 1800’s. This is known to many as the reversal reaction and is present through infancy up until adolescence. It is presented through extreme acts of sexual abuse.
- Abandonment Mode: Parents began to discover that these children too had souls. The children were no longer being killed but they still had to control them. The only way of doing so was by distancing themselves from them and abandoning them. This was seen up until the 1600’s. Children were mainly sold into slavery or sent away to foster families.
- Ambivalent Mode: Though children were still seen as these dangerous creatures parents geared towards a more empathic manner of bring them up. They now saw themselves as caregivers and felt it essential to mold these children into being able to reach their full potential.
- Intrusive Mode: Beginning in the 18th century the reversal reaction began to decline and parents became more involved in their child’s life. This sparked the start of child rearing manuals which were geared to help parents improve child care.
-Socializing Mode: Sparked by the commencement of the 19th century parents continued to become even more empathic. The parent was seen as the guide and aid in socializing the child.
- Helping Mode: Seen up until the mid 20th century the helping mode proposed that the parent is merely there to help the child in what he thinks is best for him. Growing for this is a strong independent child who has little fear of higher powers.

Though the history of child-rearing in reality does not have an exact chronological marking we have examined and come up with some events that have helped shape the socialization of child rearing.

Title XI:
The amendment presented in 1972 brought great diversification through schools. Though it is predominantly targeted to the equal opportunity of athletics between gender there was no mention in the amendment of athletics. It was a turning point because it allowed for women to also be allowed to play in where known as “men’s” sports.

School as a Socializing institution
In the 1960’s and 1970’s research showed that schools did not promote social equality and instead reinforced the inequalities found in social structure. Children spend the majority of their lifetimes in schools and this is where they are being taught that there is a difference among their peers, on the basis of gender.

Carlyle, T, The Hero as Divinity, in Heroes and Hero-worship.

Laslett P. The World We Have Lost. New York, 1965.

Burr A R, The Autobiography: A Critical and Comparative Study. Boston, 1909.

Valentine A, ed. Fathers to Sons: Advice Without Consent. Norman. Oklahoma, 1963.

de Mause L, The Evolution of Childhood. In de Mause L. (ed) The History of
Childhood. The Psychohistory Press. New York 1974.

Townsend P The Smallest Pawns in the Game. Granada Publishing. London, 1980.

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