In the magazines that were researched the girls were always protraying the part of the ideal feminine character, while the boys were protraying the part of the ideal masculine character that society has created.

Parenting & Parents magazine (Nov 2009)
- Boys are shown in this magazine playing with a golf toy set, building blocks, jumping on the bed, and side by side with the Dad; portraying the active image of a male
- Girls are shown playing in the garden, eating in the kitchen or tasting foods, painting and coloring pictures, wearing in-style clothing, and side by side with the Mom; portraying the artistic and housewife image of a female
Cookie magazine (Nov 2009)
- A picture of a boy on his bike showing the desire to be fast and free; ideal image of masculinity
Real Simple Family (Fall 2009)
- One picture (cartoon) that caught my attention was of two boys playing basketball and a girl on the blenchers wearing the same uniform as the boys, but only holding the flag acting as the cheerleader
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